趨向有利的一面而避開禍害。 漢.霍諝〈奏記大將軍梁商〉:「至于趨利避害,畏死樂生,亦復均也。」 《明史.卷二一 .徐學詩傳》:「而精悍警敏,揣摩巧中,足以趨利避害,彌縫缺失 。
縁起が良い動物とされるものを集めて一覧にしました。30種類以上の動物(一部 昆虫・魚を含みます)の縁起と由来をご覧ください。 ... 金運、家族、幸運、豊作。 お金が。
Celestine (the IMA-accepted name) or celestite is a mineral consisting of strontium sulfate (SrSO4). The mineral is named for its occasional delicate blue color. Celestine and the carbonate mineral strontianite are the principal sources of the element strontium, commonly used in fireworks and in various metal alloys.
Live Staukarte A5, Sperrungen und Echtzeit Verkehrsinformationen. Hessen und Baden-Württemberg. Stau Check Autobahn 5 auf einem Blick
Wuxing (Chinese: 五行; pinyin: wǔxíng), usually translated as Five Phases or Five Agents, is a fivefold conceptual scheme used in many traditional Chinese fields of study to explain a wide array of phenomena, including cosmic cycles, the interactions between internal organs, the succession of political regimes, and。 See more
趨利避害 意思